pneumatic electric skateboard wheels

How to Choose the Best Pneumatic Electric Skateboard Wheels

Electric power is the force that will drive our future into the unknown. Be it industrial manufacturing plants, cars, phones or even skateboards, electric is the way to go. Electric skateboards may not be as popular as other modes of transportation but they are slowly increasing in popularity. With electric motors underneath the deck, electric skateboards eliminate the need to push yourself. Just press a button on a remote or lean forward and the board starts moving. You don’t only prevent succulent cramps but also make for a smoother riding experience, especially in town. But what’s the same with both electric and conventional skateboards are the wheels.

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Snowboard protective gear

Snowboarding Protective Gear Buying Guide

Snowboarding is a winter sport that a lot of people love and partake in every winter season. Although snowboarding is considered to be rather difficult, it can be mastered with regular and persistent practice. There’s only one thing beginner and professional snowboarders need to have in mind, and that’s having proper snowboarding gear on. Your snowboarding protective gear is the thing that can save your life if things go south while you’re on the slopes.

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3 Important Factors to Consider When Buying Your First Snowboard

Buying the right snowboard takes a lot of research and shopping around in order to get the best value for your money. Most newbies make the mistake of overspending on branded models that feature amazing-looking graphics. If you can afford a branded, flashy snowboard, then by all means, get what you want, but if you’re trying to make a smart decision, you’ll need to look a bit deeper.

snowboards Continue reading “3 Important Factors to Consider When Buying Your First Snowboard”

Reasons to Wear a Weightlifting Belt

There’s a constant debate at the gym I attend on whether weightlifting belts are a necessity or not, especially when powerlifting or lifting heavy weights in general. Sadly, everyone is an expert nowadays and some of them make the claim that using a powerlifting belt can lead to reduced core strength and reduced strength of the lower back muscles. Others think that the belt is a kind of brace that supports your torso, so that your core muscles won’t have to, but that’s another lie. Continue reading “Reasons to Wear a Weightlifting Belt”

How to Pick a Karate Gi that Offers Maximum Comfort & Freedom of Movement

The look of the modern karate uniform has originated out of sheer necessity – to allow freedom of movement and provide comfort while students practice in the hot sun in southern Japan. Although today we aren’t much concerned about the weather as most of us practice in air-conditioned studios, the overall design and of the karate gi hasn’t changed a bit. The standard karate gi consists of … Continue reading How to Pick a Karate Gi that Offers Maximum Comfort & Freedom of Movement

bike peg

Everything You Need to Know About Bike Pegs

Those who love to experiment with new bike techniques are probably cherishing the inventor of bike pegs (chuckles). They are one of the most commonly used types of bike parts that can help riders improvise and take their bike tricks to the next level. However, if you are new to the ‘biker world’ but want to learn the many bike tricks and techniques, these tiny but mighty bike pieces can help you with that. Lots of studies have been conducted and a great number of them prove that pegs can expand the types of tricks you can make.

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